About us

( A  Public Charitable Trust registered under the Indian Trust Act. Reg.No.SGR – 4 – 00075 / 2010–2011 dtd 06–09–2011).
               The progress and prosperity of a nation depends on its pool of knowledge and manpower in science and technology.  In today’s global competition to gain supremacy of power India cannot afford to push the science education to the backyard. The Government of India, through its Department of Science and Technology has realized this and has launched many programs and projects to attract students to Basic sciences at an early age.  Science Education at early stages has to be  given utmost importance.

We too wish to do a bit in this direction.  We have three target groups at large.  Students, Teachers and the Public.  We are aware that we ourselves form the first target group before the above three.
Students need to be excited about science. More students need to be motivated to opt for the science stream. The teachers can play a motivating  role. Teachers have to equip themselves more to play this role.  The forum envisages to do its bit in this regard by organizing suitable programs for the students and teachers.

Along with this, the forum plans to organize programs to motivate the public to develop scientific temper in order to drive away the superstitions by encouraging them to acquire deep knowledge of Science and the natural phenomena.

Above all, the knowledge of the natural phenomena around and within us  is itself thrilling and enlightening and gives a rationalizing experience which takes us a long way in achieving peace of the mankind.